You’re here because your brand needs a video and you’re the ‘chosen one’ who has to find a production partner.
So to put it as simply as possible:
We’re a bunch of videophiles, with a knack for turning ideas into stories. We put two and two together and decided to form a video production agency. Turns out, we’re pretty damn good at what we do.
But you can’t pitch that to your team. So here’s some cool stuff about us.
If you’re a Star Wars fan just watch the below video to know more about us. If you aren’t you can just scroll down to read the same. Whatever the case, may the force be with you.
We’ve created more than 350 videos for over 150 innovative companies globally. We’ve probably done a lot more, but at some point, we stopped counting.
Our process has been evolving over the years, being shaped and refined through our experience in the industry. So throw what you want at us – we’ll handle it.
Every video we make is customized to your specific goal. Improving your ad campaign CTRs, converting website visitors to customers or educating users – you name it, we’ll get it done.
All-Inclusive package, various styles, unlimited revisions, any time-zone, all languages, on-time delivery, dedicated teams, shared Slack channels … you get it.
Our job titles may say Scriptwriters, Animators, and Designers. But don’t let that fool you. At our cores, we’re Master Storytellers with a passion for communicating ideas.
We love sharing our insights and experiences with the industry. Find out everything you need to get the most out of your videos in our Video Marketing Blog – Video Hub.
This means you’ve figured we’re a cool crowd to work with.
But this wouldn’t be an About Us page if we didn’t tell you our story.
So here goes…Once upon a time, we wanted to change the world with an app called Scootr. Scootr needed a video, so we thought we’d give it a shot ourselves.
Long story short – Scootr crashed, but the video made a bang. It was an accident that changed our work forever.
And that’s when we realized we were video production naturals.
From that point, we immersed ourselves in video production – learning more about the art and loving it all the way.
Today, we live for this stuff. There’s nothing else we’d rather do.
If not, fill it anyway.